『Revista Iberoamericana』Vol.27 Issue 22016
CONTENTS You can download the PDF by clicking the title.
- 1 Spanish Proper Nouns with Epithet and Absolute Quantification (Sangyoon Kim)
- 2 Modern Social Formation and Populism in Latin America (Eun-Joong Kim)
- 3 Consideration on Non-Aristotelian Factors Shown in Raquel as a Tragedy of Huerta (Yong-Wook Yoon)
- 4 Spanish Suffixes and the Prosodic Restrictions of their Derivation (Soo-Yeol Lee)
- 5 A Study of the Relationship Among the Mexican Presidential Election 2012, Twitter, and the Movement #Yosoy 132 (Young-Hyun Jo)
- 6 "Ceremonias de Rechazo" of Luisa Valenzuela: Beauty Rituals at the Service of Freedom (Nelson Castañeda)
- 7 The formation of the Puerto Rican diaspora in the U.S. and its identity discourse (Euna Lee)