Submission Guidelines

“Revista Asiática de Estudios Iberoamericanos” Guidelines on Article Submission and Article Formatting

I. Article Submission

  • Articles considered for publication in SNUILAS’s academic journal “Revista Asiática de Estudios Iberoamericanos” include articles on the Spanish/Portuguese-speaking world in relation to Latin America, and should not have been published or be in consideration for publication in other publications (including online) other than this journal.
  • Same author may not publish more than one article for each volume.
  • Editorial board determines matters related to decision on the acceptance of article, order and system of publication.
  • Copy rights for articles published in this journal reside with SNUILAS. The act of submission assumes acknowledgment of this arrangement and submitted article shall not be returned. Articles published in this journal can be disclosed in internal and external electronic databases.
  • “Revista Asiática de Estudios Iberoamericanos” is published every April 30, August 31 and December 31 with a rolling-basis submission.
  • To request the evaluation, the authors must have a master's degree in the areas corresponding to philosophy, literature, language, economics, sociology and history.
  • To request the evaluation, authors must pay USD 70 (for an article in Korean) and USD 120 (for an article in English or Spanish). After submitting the article, the editorial committee of the journal informs the authors of the payment procedure.

II. Guidelines on Article Formatting – Introduction

1. System
1) Draft must be written in the following order.
(1) Title
(2) Name and institution of contributor
(3) Primary abstract and key words
(4) Main text
(5) Reference
(6) Appendix (applicable only in the case of attaching appendix)
(7) Personal information of contributor
(8) Date of submission
(9) Secondary abstract and keywords
2) Submitted articles in violation of the system shall not be received.
2. Length
1) Korean drafts are to be written in “Geul.” Length should be within 125 pages of squared manuscript paper (within 25 pages of paper requirement below).
2) Drafts in a foreign language are to be written in “MS-Word.” Length should be within 5,000 words.

3. Abstract and Key words
1) Abstracts are to be written in the language of main text (“primary abstract”) and English (“secondary abstract”), inserted before and after, respectively, main text. However, abstracts for articles written in English should be in English and Spanish. Abstract and order of abstracts for each language for main text are as follows.
Language of Writing Primary Abstract Main Text
(Introduction-Submission Date)
Secondary Abstract
Korean Korean Main Text English
Korean Korean Main Text English
Spanish Spanish Main Text English
Portuguese Portuguese Main Text English
English English Main Text Spanish
2) Korean abstract should be within 5 pages of 200-character manuscript paper. English abstracts should be within 400 words. Spanish or Portuguese abstracts should be in similar length as English abstracts.
3) Around 5 key words should be proposed below abstract. Key words are to be distinguished from one another with a comma.

4. Reference
1) Only “parenthesis reference” is allowed for disclosing the source of reference.
2) Basic form of parenthesis reference: (Author Year of Publication, Referenced Page)
3) However, if detailed reference with additional explanations, reference to main text, or actual portion of the referenced text is needed, footnote is used.

III. Article Preparation

Normas Editoriales

IV. Article Submission Form

Please attach below submission form in case of submitting an article.
Article submission form download

V. Submission Link

Please click on the following link and follow the steps. (

VI. Contact

For inquiries and submission of articles and reviews contact the following:
Articles and editorial policies: Editorial Manager,